Since our last community plan in 2018, our local communities have achieved a great deal…
But there is still plenty to be done: leisure facilities, managing tourism, road safety, parking, housing and much more besides.
Where do you think we as a community should focus our energy?
What next for Fort Augustus and Glenmoriston?
During the second half of 2024, we as a community are working that out - by creating a new community plan to replace the 2018 plan.
What's in the Plan will be up to us as a community. It needs to belong to all of us, reflecting all of our needs and aspirations for the future. And it will guide what we do as a community, as well as influencing public services and investment.
Whatever your age, whether you’ve got a little to say or a lot - get involved!
Our last community action plan was prepared in 2018. When it was reviewed in 2021 with lots of community input, it was clear that plenty of progress had been made - but people said there was more still to do. The infographics below capture the main points of that 2021 review (to see everyone’s comments in full, click here). It’s interesting to reflect on what’s changed since then.
Now in 2024, we have the opportunity to use new legislation to prepare a new plan and register it with the Highland Council as a Local Place Plan (as our neighbours in Stratherrick and Foyers have done). Registering the Plan will give it more weight in planning decisions and public services.
The Community Council and Community Company are co-ordinating the plan and will help to implement the Plan once it is finished.
But it won’t be “their” plan. The Plan needs to reflect everyone’s aspirations across the whole community, so your input is vital to make sure that it does.
During the second half of 2024, there are lots of opportunities to shape and influence the Plan: drop-in events, online and paper surveys, schools activities and more. The diagram beneath shows how the Plan is being prepared.
The first stage of preparing the Plan was to find out people’s aspirations for their communities. So, in June and July 2024, a community survey took place to find out exactly that.
Events also took place in Invermoriston, Fort Augustus and Dalchreichart during June, for people to find out more, share ideas, fill in the survey, and enjoy a cuppa and some cake.
Pupils in every class at Kilchuimen Primary and Academy also came up with suggestions, thanks to the Pupil Council and their teachers.
The four infographics below summarise everyone’s suggestions, providing a fascinating insight into our communities. Download a PDF of the complete set by clicking on any of them.
If you’d like to see more detail, check out the transcriptions of everyone’s suggestions from the community survey, pupils at Kilchuimen Primary and Secondary, and the community events in Fort Augustus and Glenmoriston.
In summer and autumn 2024, people’s suggestions were used to draw up a draft Plan for everyone to review.
There was then a public consultation on the draft Plan - for people to check whether it matched their aspirations and, if not, change it.
The draft Plan was available for comment online and in local shops for nearly 4 weeks from late October until Sunday 24th November 2024. Drop-in events were held in Fort Augustus and Invermoriston in mid November, and a session was held to review the draft Plan with the joint Pupil Councils at Kilchuimen Campus. A big thank-you to everyone who took the time to read and review the draft Plan, which you can still see on the draft Plan page.
The Community Council considered everyone’s comments at its meeting on 27th November 2024, and agreed the following changes:
More emphasis on nature & environment.
A clearer message that the Plan aims not for population growth, but for a more sustainable population balance over time with a greater proportion of younger people and people of working age.
More detail against each of the area-wide actions.
Strengthening the visitor management / road safety proposals on the A82, Oich Road and Canalside (including an aspiration to close the campervan site there).
Aspiration to lengthen visitor stays (including better information & interpretation).
Updates to the road safety proposals on the A82(T) and A887(T).
Increased use of the Millennium Hall.
More detail on community-led delivery, monitoring and review of the Plan.
You can see everyone’s comments on the draft Plan, including explanations of how they influenced the final Plan, by clicking here.
Nearly there!
The updated Plan has now been submitted to the Highland Council for registration as our Local Place Plan. You can see the Plan that’s been submitted for registration below:
Alternatively, you can download a 5mb PDF here.
We’ll update this website and send out an email update once the Plan has been registered by the Council. Then it’ll be on to the real work of making it happen!